Issue 2020-W52

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This week has been about point-free programming, hjson, a new terminal multiplexer and open data licenses.

I also published Dive into Frictionless Data as part of my research on how to publish CSV with enough contextual information.

# Kivy

A Python library to build cross-platform applications.

# Open Definition

A collection of licences for open data, open content and open knowledge.

# Why broot switched to Hjson for its configuration files

An article overviewing a handful of formats for the purpose of writing application configuration files.

# tab

A config-driven terminal multiplexer control tabs, command history, working directories, etc.

How to write a Terminal Multiplexer with Rust, Async, and Actors - Part 2 is a nice read if you are interested in its architecture and goals.

# What's Point-free Programing? (point-free function syntax)

An article explaining point-free programming, currying, etc.

# Broot

A tool to navigate directories from the terminal. It plays well with Kitty so image previews are rendered seamlessly.