Issue 2021-W14

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This week has been about Google tracking, Rust macros, WebAssembly search engines, CSS Grids and Obsidian.

# Pipr

A tool to interactively write shell pipelines.

# Obsidian

An offline-first knowledge base tool on top of a folder of Markdown files.

I've been using this tool for the last few months and although it's still not a mature tool it has become my main tool to manage my knowledge base both at home and at work.

That said, I couldn't use it without a few plugins to enhance it:

  • Dataview, to query the knowledge base and display results as tables or lists.
  • Mind Map, to display a mind map out of a Markdown structure.
  • Sliding Panes, to stack open panes on the side.
  • Minimal Settings, to tweak the interface to be less noisy.
  • Metatable, to display the full frontmatter.

# Am I FLoCed?

A service to check whether Google is tracking you yet. Google is running a Chrome "origin trial" to test out an experimental new tracking feature called Federated Learning of Cohorts (aka "FLoC").

# The Ultimate CSS Grid Tutorial for Beginners

A tutorial to get started with CSS Grids.

# Macros in Rust: A tutorial with examples

A tutorial covering all there is about macros in Rust.

# tinysearch

A lightweight full-text search engine to for static websites written in Rust and compiled to WebAssembly.

WebAssembly Search Tools for Static Sites might be interesting if you want to check other options.