Issue 2021-W28

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This week has been about webhooks vs events, a collection of programming languages, password manager security, TOML validator, web type scales and personal knowledge graphs.

# Taplo

A toolkit to work with TOML. Includes a validator based on JSON schema, formatting and targets WebAssembly as well as Rust.

# Password Managers

An article looking into the security weaknesses typically found on password managers integrating with a web browser.

# Type scale

A tool to calculate and visualise type scales for the Web.

# Give me /events, not webhooks

An article exploring the shortcomings of webhooks and how an events endpoint with a changelog can help mitigate them.

# Programming Languages for Enthusiasts

A collection of not-so-mainstream programming languages and environments.

# Personal Knowledge Graphs (video)

A presentation on personal knowledge graphs their connection to the semantic web and the advent of note-taking apps.