Issue 2021-W27

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This week has been about taking notes with SQLite, a SQLite with branches, a CloudFlare Worker simulator, pnpm and a criticism to SQL.

# Using sqlite3 as a notekeeping document graph with automatic reference indexing

A tutorial on how to take advantage of SQLite to keep your notes organised and with full-search built-in.

# darktable

An open source tool to manage photography workflows to manage digital negatives and development of raw images.

# miniflare

A tool to simulate CloudFlare Workers locally and offline.

# LiteTree

A modified version of SQLite to support branches a-la Git.

You can find my selection of SQLite resources in Some SQLite, similar to Awesome lists but using the Tabular Data Package.

# pnpm

An article looking into pnpm, an alternative to npm and Yarn claiming to be faster and more efficient.

# Against SQL

An article arguing why SQL is a dead end and what should the next relational query language learn from modern programming languages and the success of query languages such as GraphQL.