Issue 2023-W29

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This week has been about a CLI for plain-text HTTP requests, a linter for Python imports, a chart library in Rust a software license against bigotry, WebGPU and Rust traits for data streams.

# Rust's BufRead, And When To Use It

An article diving into Rust traits for reading streams of data.

# import-linter

A tool to analyse and enforce rules on how Python codebase uses imports between packages.

You might be interested in the article Kraken Technologies: How we organise our very large Python monolith where they explain how they use this tool to manage a large application with 400 regular contributors.

# Opinionated Queer License

A software license with permisive rules (a la MIT) but with strong restrictions against bigotry or violent purposes. Beware that the author is not a lawyer.

# Charming

A chart rendering library using Apache ECharts. It can render to many formats and it can run in WebAssembly environments.

# Hurl

A command-line tool to run HTTP requests defined in a plain text format.

# WebGPU — All of the cores, none of the canvas

An article on what is WebGPU and what it has to offer.