Issue 2023-W02

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This week has been about WebAssembly User Defined Functions (UDF) in libSQL, a collection of failed projects, a collection of web fonts, a multi-clipboard tool, a collection of React components for 2D diagrams and a book on Rust atomics.

# Clipboard

A terminal application to manage cut, copy and paste actions with multiple clipboards.

# Museum of Failure

A collection of failed projects.

# WebAssembly functions for your SQLite-compatible database

An article introducing the addition of WebAssembly User Defined Functions (UDF) in libSQL, a SQLite fork.

# Rust Atomics and Locks

A book with a free online version available diving into the building blocks of concurrency.

# Mafs

A collection of React components for building interactive 2D diagrams.

# Bunny Fonts

A collection of web fonts with zero-tracking and no-logging.