Dive into Frictionless Data

Published on by Arnau Siches

Table of contents

This note captures my personal views on “Frictionless Tabular Data Package”, a specification to provide metadata for CSV files.

The Tabular Data Package is a specification covering structural information, validation rules and contextual information.

In this note I'll be assessing Frictionless Tabular Data Package under the assumption that it is a reasonable choice for increasing the reliability of CSV data consumption. If you are in a rush, go straight to the closing thoughts.

# Overview

The Tabular Data Package is part of the Frictionless Data framework. It is a profile (see the Profiles specification) built on top of Data Package and Tabular Data Resource which in turn is a profile that builds on top of Data Resource, Table Schema and CSV Dialect.

In a gist, this format is about:

  • Data files encoded as CSV (Comma-Separated Values).
  • A data descriptor as JSON.

On that basis, it looks straightforward to publish and consume a dataset using this format.

# Context

CSV is a poor data format with a limited ability to set enough expectations on the structure and values contained within. Many have said that CSV is simple but I am of the opposite opinion: CSV is extremely complex from a user experience point of view; it feels simple at first but eventually it lets you down. Acknowledging this puts us in a good place to understand what Tabular Data Package is trying to help with.

There are other attempts to solve the same problem such as CSV on the Web. Check my Dive into CSV on the Web for my take on it.

# The Package structure

The Tabular Data Package package is defined in terms of a directory and its contents, extending the Data Package specification.

The only requirement for a directory to be a Data Package is to contain the descriptor, a datapackage.json file.

Optionally, it can contain:

  • A README.md (Markdown) file.
  • A data/ directory for CSV data files.
  • A scripts/ directory for data processing scripts.
  • Files for data and scripts directly in the root directory.

The descriptor is expected to have:

  • A profile property with the value tabular-data-package.
  • A resources property with at least one Tabular Data Resource.
  • Optionally, contextual annotations such as title, description, licence, sources, etc.

Note that the scripts are not well defined in the specification. Based on what I've seen in the datasets in https://github.com/datasets/ scripts tend to be Python scripts to process the data and achieve the result stored in data/.

# The descriptor

This section collects my notes on general aspects of the descriptor.

The descriptor must be a valid JSON object as defined by IETF RFC 4627. I'm unclear whether they expect compliance with IETF RFC 4627 or whether they haven't come around updating the reference to the newer IETF RFC 8259.

The specification seems to assume that the descriptor will always be co-located with the data in the same file system. So I'm assuming that the distribution of a package needs to happen as a unit, for example as a zip file. The authors describe a pattern Describing files inside a compressed file such as Zip that reinforces this but is somewhat unclear by reading the specification alone.

I would've welcomed a section describing ways of distribution and discovery, perhaps with a complementary way using a mechanism like Link HTTP header (IETF RFC 8288).

Finally, as an extension mechanism, any property not defined in the specification can be used but it is up to the publisher and consumer to agree on their meaning using a new profile that follows the Profiles specification. What is unclear to me is how a potential extension would be declared given that the profile type is predefined if you are to comply with the Tabular Data Package.

# The resource

This section collects my notes on general aspects of the Tabular Data Resource.

The Tabular Data Package restricts the data format to CSV but the Tabular Data Resource allows for embedding data as JSON directly in the descriptor file. This adds an extra level of complexity when processing the package for a marginal benefit and opens the door to express non-tabular data in a package that is supposed to be rigid in this matter.

The data in CSV is expected to follow the IETF RFC 4180, except that instead of being prescriptive on most details, the specification adopts the CSV Dialect specification to be able to describe divergences such as the encoding which instead of being US-ASCII by default it is expected to be UTF-8, or the delimiter which by default is a comma but could be anything else. I see this as a good thing, it adds the tolerance required given the wide range of things out there claiming to be CSV.

# Structural information

This section gives an overview of the structual properties from the Tabular Data Resource as well as my notes on matters like types and formats. In sumamry, the type system seems overly complicated but not rigid enough, it's my least favourite part of the specification.

Structural attributes are the ones you would expect from any Data Definition Language (DDL). The Tabular Data Resource provides:

  • The name property to identify the dataset.
  • The path property to define the relative path to the CSV file.
  • The schema property following the Table Schema.
  • The profile property with the value tabular-data-resource.
  • The dialect property with the CSV Dialect.
  • Optionally, the encoding property when the value is not UTF-8.
  • Optionally, the title, description, hash, licences, etc.
  • Optionally, the format (i.e.) "csv" and media type "text/csv".

The schema property in turn provides:

  • The fields property with at least one field descriptor.
  • Optionally, missing value rules, primary key and foreign keys.

And each field provides:

  • The name property with a unique identifier matching the CSV column.
  • Optionally, type, format, title and description.
  • Optionally, the constraints property to aid a validator.

# Types and formats

According to the specification, types are based on the type set of JSON Schema but not quite. It says:

[...] with some additions and minor modifications (cf other type lists include those in Elasticsearch types)

A bit unsettling that these some are not clear and that the Elasticsearch link is broken.

Most of the types are primitives such as string, integer or boolean and yet they are not clear enough to me. Let me go through my concerns at risk of sounding too picky.

The string type is defined as sequences of characters. No definition of character is provided. It's definitely a challenge to define this given that encoding can vary.

The string type can be refined with the format property. The values are understandable but open for interpretation which means there is room for discrepancy between implementations. From email which is very hard to validate anyway to uri which may or may not refer to IETF RFC 3986 or to WHATWG URL. It would help to have more thorough definitions and probably a bit of context on why these formats are important to have in the specificaiton but others didn't make the cut.

The number type uses the lexical formatting of XML Schema Decimal. I can only wonder why this was chosen over other definitions like the one in JSON which is the one JSON Schema uses.

The bareNumber property got me by surprise, I would've thought that would fall under the string type. Types are complex business indeed.

Both object and array are types that feel quite foreign to CSV. Maybe they are there because data can be inlined in the JSON descriptor? I would've preferred a single json type or a json format part of the string type. It would open the door to other formats such as markdown, xml, html to name a few.

The date type and its extended family is difficult to understand, they overlap with each other and feel redundant. For example, time, datetime, year and yearmonth can be described using the pattern form of the format property.

The duration type might have its place but durations may vary in length depending on the point of origin, that's why the ISO 8601 has the concept of time interval which allows to pin a duration to either a start or end date.

Finally, the “Rich Types” section adds a mention to RDF via the rdfType property which allows to map to a RDF class. In all honesty, it feels out of place in this specification. Instead of this partial way to map to RDF, a dedicated profile allowing to express both class and property mapping would be more useful.

# Constraints

Constraints are a set of properties that allow expressing constraints on values beyond the type and format. Most of them are familiar and uncontrovertial to me so I'll briefly mention pattern which overlaps with some type format rules and is probably what I would use instead if I had the need to express restrictions on values.

It is worth mentioning that it expects regular expressions according to the XML Schema Regular Expressions specification. Similar to the case of the number type, I wouldn't be surprised if implementations are inconsistent with this given the differences between JSON Schema and XML Schema regular expressions.

# Relations

Both the primaryKey and foreignKeys should be familiar to anyone that has worked with the relational model. I would've preferred requiring an array instead of allowing strings as well but I don't have any comments on either mechanism.

# State of the art

The team behind the Frictionless Data specifications maintain two reference implementations:

At the time of the review there were some broken links and confusion between GoodTables and Frictionless. According to [Python frictionless] it is a renaming exercise.

That said, the Python library looks like a reliable piece of software.

Finally, there are other tools worth exploring:

  • https://frictionlessdata.io/tooling/application/
  • https://frictionlessdata.io/tooling/libraries/

# Closing thoughts

The Frictionless Data website does a great job in putting everything you need to know about the Tabular Data Package in one place. Things like this make the difference when choosing tools and standard practices.

The main concern I raise in this note is the lack of consistency when building on top of other specifications such as JSON or JSON Schema. The divergences make room for more clunky implementations which is undesirable.

That said, the specifications look well thought through, built on well-known and current standards. The Patterns section deserves a mention, I really liked the idea and the content.

If I were in need to publish CSV and had the need to choose a way to do it, Frictionless Data would be a strong candidate to consider.

# Resources